SOx for Practices
“When I wanted to audit my results, I was able to use SOx to get a list of patients who had a specific implant type. This used to be so much harder when I had to review everyone’s records individually in our Practice Software.”
— Dr Paul Athanasiov
(MBBS, MMed, MOphth, FRANZCO) | Eye Surgeons SA
“There is nothing worse than turning up to a list and having the staff advise you that an implant hasn't yet arrived. SOx removes that issue and we can proceed with confidence.”
Our Features
Improve Communication
The SOx platform allows Surgeons and their Practices to have direct communication with Hospitals to ensure they are suitably prepared for surgery.
Use our automatic notifications to receive updates on the planning process - from the scheduling of a theatre booking, creation of a Theatre List, to the E.T.A of inbound stock. This removes the need for staff to manually chase status updates in the period leading up to surgery.
A Connected Ecosystem
With SOx you can minimise theatre delays for Patients, Surgeons and Practices by utilising access to up-to-date stock levels and tracking updates for stock in transit from Suppliers.
With this knowledge, you can appropriately schedule surgeries knowing exactly the status of your stock and prevent delays.
Our Surgeons Profiles display all preferences for theatre including provider numbers, locations and tools.
In addition, SOx utilises encrypted communication to ensure data privacy.